Monday, March 28, 2016

Day 4 - Bathin' and Learnin'

Apparently we dodged a bullet and the lousy weather we had was a blessing as London had wind gusts topping 100 mph, flooding and power outages. After a very cold morning with heavy winds, the sun came out and gave us a reprieve. While we were still very layered, we enjoyed a comfortable afternoon.

On the bus and driving by 7:30, we left Swindon for Bath and an early morning walking tour. Our guide took us though some fancy neighbourhoods with million-dollar townhouses built in the 1700-1800's. Through the shivering and wind we got an appreciation for what the architects were trying to accomplish.

Then we wandered further down into the heart of Bath to see some of the medieval buildings near the river, and the only bridge in England with shops on it, something you see regularly in Italy.

We continued on to the Cathedral and the Roman Baths for our tour. Again, walking through a complex system of rooms and pools used by locals 2000 years ago was amazing. You can really sense how these people were hardly different from us in so many ways.

Lunch and free time in Bath for a little shopping, and then off to Oxford. A university town, the highlight for many was the visit to Christ''s Church to see a few Harry Potter filming locations.

Then we went off to shopping and finding things to tour like other Harry Potter spots,  climbing a tour, or more shopping.

We then ended the day at our hotel for supper, and it's the nicest one yet. Great rooms and our best supper to date. And the bonus is the 7am wake up call! It's castles and Shakespeare tomorrow.

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